I want to keep chickens, but don’t know where to start. Can you help me?

Yes! I enjoy helping folks come up the chicken “learning curve”! I recommend taking my class: Backyard Chicken Keeping for Beginners. It is a comprehensive first step. See my classes for more information and/or contact me to discuss.

Do you sell started pullets or hens?

I may indeed have started pullets, coop ready birds, pullets at point of lay (POL), or hens available. Typically, my available birds sell as chicks, but sometimes I grow them up as breeding stock and plans change. I also rotate my breeding birds, and may have adults for sale.

We want to build our own chicken coop. Can you come to our property and advise us where and how to build it?

Yes. I offer On-Site Coop Consultation services. I have helped numerous people address their site challenges and guided them in their coop construction or in their coop purchase. See my Services or contact me to discuss.

I have a rooster and I can’t keep him. Do you accept roosters?

As a poultry breeder, I practice strict bio security to maintain my healthy flocks. I can not accept outside roosters, I’m sorry.